For the safety and comfort of all our visitors, animals are not permitted in the facility except in conjunction with an approved exhibit, display, or performance that absolutely requires the use of an animal. The customer is responsible for obtaining all appropriate permits. ADA service animals (i.e. guide dogs, signal dogs) or any other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability or health condition are allowed in the facility. All sanitary needs for animals are the responsibility of the customer. Animals are not permitted within 50 ft. of any food prep or service area unless they are ADA service animals. All animals must remain under the handler’s control at all times. Animals must be harnessed, leashed, tethered, held in a carrier or kept in a crate unless these devices interfere with an ADA animal’s tasks or a handler’s disability prevents their use. The venue reserves the right to ask handlers to remove their animals if they are unrestrained, disruptive, aggressive, or not housebroken.